Occurrences of SCOON as a Forename

Being a very rare surname there have been many occasions where the name SCOON has been kept alive in the family line by using the name as an additional (normally last) forename.     Particularly for girls, this tradition often misses generations before returning and new researchers may not see an immediate connection.   This page aims to help in such situations by giving a 'shortcut' link from such occurrences to the actual Scoon from whom they are descended.

The ID number given is the same as that used in the Scoon Index, as are the relationship references.    Where the nearest Scoon ancestor is not yet on the Index, the nearest ancestor on the Index is shown, if available.    As I have not yet had the opporunity to draw all the certificates for events outside Scotland, the dates there are drawn largely from on-line data available, so should be checked.

This table is being built up as I come across new occurrences.    Please let me know of any other cases of which you are aware, or, indeed, just if you find it useful!

ID Forenames Surname Born Died SCOON Ancestor Relationship Notes
452 Bernard SCOON Arons c 1848 Glasgow ? 450 Rebecca Scoon Son -
535 Mary SCOON Armstrong 20 Jan 1901 Pitlochry ? 183 Mary Scoon Granddaughter -
3714 John SCOON Borrowdale 1896 Cockermouth ? 29 Mary Ann Scoon Son -
3742 Mary SCOON Brydon 1879 Workington ? 364 Mary Scoon Granddaughter -
2599 William SCOON Coulton 23 Feb 1890 Workington 1979 Carlisle  44 Mary Jane Scoon Son William's grandfather was 40 William Scoon
3743 John SCOON Ferguson 1883 Langholm 387 Isabella Jane Scoon Son -
3744 Walter SCOON Ferguson 1886 Langholm 387 Isabella Jane Scoon Son -
3023 Agness SCOON Hume ? 1923 Carlisle  590 Agnes Scoon Granddaughter -
3018 William SCOON Hume 15 Nov 1822 Edinburgh 3 Oct 1824 Edinburgh  590 Agnes Scoon Son -
3018 Beatrice SCOON Hunter 28 Oct 1861 1931  2395 Beatrix Scoon Granddaughter -
3754 Frank SCOON Laidlaw 1877 Langholm 1877 Langholm 390 Magdelene Scoon Son -
3753 Frank SCOON Laidlaw 25 Apr 1878 Langholm 1879 Langholm  390 Magdelene Scoon Son -
1648 John SCOON Laidlaw 1868 Langholm 1940 Langholm 390 Magdelene Scoon Son -
3751 Magdalene SCOON Laidlaw 1897 Langholm 1975 Langholm 390 Magdelene Scoon Granddaughter -
3748 Fergus SCOON Liddle 1900 Falkirk 1970 Falkirk 223 Isabella Scoon  Son -
3768 Janet SCOON Liddle 1911 Falkirk 1993 Falkirk 223 Isabella Scoon  Daughter -
3767 Robert SCOON Liddle 1898 Falkirk 1899 Falkirk 223 Isabella Scoon  Son -
3776 Magdalene SCOON Little 20 Nov 1907 Langholm 2000 Langholm 390 Magdelene Scoon Granddaughter -
1648 Walter SCOON Lockhart 22 Jan 1853 Bolton 593 Isabella Scoon Son -
3820 Janet Elliot SCOON Lunham c 1897 1977  2410 Janet Scoon Daughter -
3777 Walter SCOON McVittie 13 Aug 1877 Langholom 1878 Langholm 386 Margaret Scoon Son -
3760 Isabella SCOON Milligan 25 Jun 1891 Langholm 1949 Langholm  352 Isabella Scoon Granddaughter -
3762 Isabella SCOON Milligan 1900 Langholm ? 352 Isabella Scoon Granddaughter -
1704 Thomas SCOON Milligan 1864 Langholm ? 352 Isabella Scoon Son -
3778 Janet SCOON Morton 1881 Falkirk ? 239 Mary Elizabeth Scoon Daughter -
3779 Josephine SCOON Morton 1885 Falkirk 1961 Pollok  239 Mary Elizabeth Scoon Daughter -
3747 Robert SCOON Morton 1889 Falkirk ? 239 Mary Elizabeth Scoon Son -
3781 Walter SCOON Morton 1894 Falkirk 1939 Paisley 239 Mary Elizabeth Scoon Son -
3067 Catherine SCOON Robertson 27 Apr 1852 Edinburgh ? 3065 Catherine Scoon Granddaughter -
2212 Walter Alexander SCOON Ross 1883/4 Monkwearmouth 1967 Sunderland 1222 Isabella Scoon Son -
1854 Mary SCOON Samuel 1840 Edinburgh 1924 Edinburgh 286 Mary Scoon Great Granddaughter -
3715 Emma SCOON Webster 14 Dec 1909 Cockermouth 1997 Staincliffe, N Yks 49 Marrion Scoon  Daughter Emma's grandfather was 40 William Scoon
1281 Walter SCOON Henry John Wordingham 1900 Sunderland ? 1223 Janet Scoon Son Walter's grandfather was 1218 Walter Scoon

Please send any comments or suggestions for changes to donjgrant@aol.com.

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v1.1 28 April 2014